Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I believe in Miracles!!

Ok folks since December Q has been in jail a couple times. This girl just would not try. She was on the verge of returning to stay with her Aunt in Liberia, her Aunt suffered a heart attack (who knows if she really did) so they travel plans were put on hold. Q was aware of all ther choices she was making this girl definatly knows right from wrong. So a couple weeks ago she spent another night in jail and returned home throwing the same fits but this time Mama changed the rules, and Q responded. Thank you for all your prayers keep em coming. She has been home for over 1 1/2 years, we have never even had one full great day. Well folks we are going on 2 weeks. Q has been on house arrest since the beginning of Dec. they call and check in or drop by daily. This has been awesome, they document everything. So all of a sudden things have changed even on paper. Everyone is shocked. Only Jesus!! This is the Q we knew was there but hadn't met yet. It took 1 1/2 years to finally meet our daughter. She thought there was a monster in ther attic, so one morning she woke up and said it was under her bed. I said get up now and look. She would not. Wild Mike came in and crawled under, he came out laughing so Q looked under. In shock she said Mama your right, you were right, you told me the truth the whole time. She has woken with a smile since, slept well, and has not been so angry. Jesus broke something. Our hope is she can heal forward from here. Keep praying and keep believing...

Rally in Madison

Every kid deserves a chance to fight for what they believe in. In our house that is the right to the best education possible by the best licensed teachers there are. And this guy is tops!! Now when a teacher can make 11-13 year olds love history we love the guy!! :)

Every kid deserves a great school!