Friday, September 21, 2007

a little crazy even for us...

So I started this cool blog (hehe) then haven't posted for awhile. I am now receiving emails asking what is going on. How about an update?? Shall I say our fans are restless.... Just remember you asked for it. The last couple weeks have been very hectic, crazy, shall I say stressful even for us... So I decided to post an update so you all can get a glimpse of what we have been up to.

On a grander scale the past year has been a huge adjustment for us ALL. Lets just say pretty much everything we were told about our last adoption, the children we were adopting, and the journey was a BIG FAT LIE. Not siblings, not sweet innocent starving orphans, not 10 & 11, not wanting to work hard for a better life..... We have had the joy :( of talking with many government agencies, we had hoped to never meet in our lifetime... as they are looking into these fraudulent Liberian adoptions. So along with all of this we have been dealing with severe lying and dangerous behaviors from our newest additions.

About 2 weeks ago Q made some very serious life threatening decisions. She returned (yes returned) to the hospital in GB to get help for another week. This was followed by an enormous amount of phone calls: social workers, police, lawyers, uscis.....

In the midst we had 2 volleyball games, 2 football games, daily practice, I teach at church Wednesday nights, 2 babies with 104.4 fevers, a very sick Daddy, Q returning home, A, J, S, Wild Mike, & Princess struggling with her return and fear ( especially after seeing her last escapade). This was also all amidst the beginning of our school year, 3 orthodontia appointments ( yes we need 2 full sets of braces), news that not all our children's immunizations had not formed antibodies so he had to be tested to make sure he had not contracted one of diseases brought home from Liberia (one that we were told neither of our Liberian children had before adopting them, so somewhere on the airplane between the US and Liberia all this sickness grew in their bodies hmmm). He did not contract it (YEAH) so now he is getting his immunizations again. Note to parents just because a child gets the immunization does not mean they are immune...

We also found out one of the illnesses S brought home is now chronic we will go see a specialist at Children's Hospital with in 2 weeks to find out if or what treatments might help him or what options we have.... That is an overview there really were more bumps and bruises along the way.. Believe it or not we actually did get school accomplished to! And i still am blessed with the best husband in the world... We are a team!!!

Now we are trying to just move on and praying Q will actually start really trying so she can stay with us. We do believe in miracles here!! But it is not a good sign when a child really enjoys hurting others and thinks it is funny. Please just pray for us all... Mommy and Daddy are a little tired ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ....

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