Tuesday, October 9, 2007

School anyone...

Well today we are doing school yes school...

Yesterday we had appointments at Children's Hospital (draining) The kids look good and we are left with 3 choices for S's treatment plan.

But the highlight of our day was visiting COSTCO... Yes drum roll please!!! Costco has opened in WI. So any trip to Milwaukee will be blessed by a stop at Costco :) Guess we do not need to move after all Costco came to us hehe...

Q seemed to be doing ok yesterday... Oh yeah she was with my sister all day.. hehe She is doing alright. Each day is a new adventure. A new high and a new low..

I have not been feeling well either.. Is it stress?? Don't think so but will keep you posted... Good news I do have a brain ( I now have a picture of it !! :) But it did not determine how many brain cells I am actually using hehe ..

I am so tired lately.. A mama of 6 can't be tired because....
that is when they (I) put the milk in the cupboard, the toilet paper in the fridge, try to change the 4 year olds diaper (yeah she has not worn diapers in over 2 years...)

Today's Lesson:
Hmmm eggs. Well you don't need to wash them with soap ..ok... and you are not trying to scrub the shell off if you do this the egg is now broken :)
I know this is helpful to you all :)

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