Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sad day!

Well it has been an eventful time lately but just when things seem like God must know this is all we can handle! The storm continues...

We were blessed with 7 adorable puppies on June 11-12.

This was the time Q was sent to spend some time with a cool Liberian family for a few weeks maybe help get her act together :)

Also we found out A was having a terrible time with her epilepsy and more treatment would be needed.

This too is when S thought it would be great to start attacking people and acting more like Q. We atarted finding all the things he had stolen and lied about.

So 2 days after Q arrived to where she would be visiting for 4 weeks I was called to be told how aweful her behaviour was and she would return home the next day.

Ok then A's EEG came back terribly abnormal. Now I am also starting to feel a little stressed and getting wierd MS symptoms.

So 5 puppies end up dying. No one knows what is going on but the other 2 and mom are doing great!

So last week I wasn't feeling well and lost all funtcion to my right arm, had headaches, vision, & bladder problems. So off to the ER and 3 days of IV roids & I can now move my arm :) But my veins are so sore from the miraculous crud they pumped in.

Well Sunday morning another puppy was dead :(

So Monday the last puppy looked bad so we took him to the vet. I was up with Butterball trying to rehydrate him and he died anyways :(

So today we lost Kiowa. Our kids are devastated. This has all been so much!
Apparently she developed tumors that attacked her neurological system and she was septic so they euthanised her this afternoon.

We will miss our sweet Kiowa!


mindbodymaths said...

Dear Melissa

I'm so sorry about your sad loss of Kiowa and the puppies. And that this comes in the midst of the time of so many other challenges.

I have huge admiration for all you have taken on, and are still giving your heart and self to bring to fruition.

A year of fostering two healthy children (they were subsequently able to return to their family) has taught me some of how much love and work it takes to have a large, blended family. I can only wish you all strength and say that from what I can see as long as one continues acting out of love, kids do eventually learn the main lessons and are OK.

Please look after yourself too, a broken mom is not much use to anyone
Sending you a prayer

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to read that you guys are having such a rough time. I feel bad about stressing over our move after reading all this. You are all in our prayers!

Mya said...

I will miss her dearly too! My thoughts and prayers still go out to you and your family. Know that Kiowa will always have a very special place in my heart. I loved her so much.